The Science
Stem cells are extremely valuable and powerful because they have the ability to become any type of cells in the body. This versatility allows stem cells to be used to regenerate or repair diseased tissue and organs.
The Science
Stem cells are extremely valuable and powerful because they have the ability to become any type of cells in the body. This versatility allows stem cells to be used to regenerate or repair diseased tissue and organs.
The Impact of Transplant Medicine Today
Stem cells have been used in bone marrow transplants since the 1970s and today they are approved by the FDA to treat serious medical conditions.
- They are currently used to treat over 80 conditions, including certain types of cancers, blood disorders, and metabolic disorders.
- Cord blood has been used in more than 40,000 stem cell transplants worldwide to help rebuild health blood and immune systems.
The transformative power of regenerative medicine
Over 5,000 promising clinical trials are in process worldwide studying cord blood, cord tissue and placenta tissue’s role in advancing medicine and potential applications in regenerative medicine. Current estimates indicate that approximately 1 in 3 individuals in the United States, or 128 million people, could benefit over their lifetime from regenerative medicine.
Cord Blood
Stem cells from cord blood are the building blocks of your immune and blood systems. For more than 30 years, cord blood has been used in the proven treatment of over 80 serious conditions in stem cell transplants to rebuild the blood and immune systems, including:
- Blood disorders (sickle cell disease)
- Immune disorders (severe combined immunodeficiency)
- Cancers (leukemia and lymphoma)
- Metabolic disorders (Krabbe disease)
Cord Tissue
The cord tissue contains many different types of stem cells, including epithelial, endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells, that all have different potential uses in different ways then cord blood. They are currently being investigated in over 5,000 extremely promising clinical trials in areas including:
- Autoimmune (lupus and type 1 diabetes)
- Orthopedic (osteoarthritis)
- Cardiovascular (heart disease)
- Neurological (stroke and Alzheimer’s)
Placenta Tissue
Stem cells from placental tissue are already being used in therapies to treat wounds and promote healing – including diabetic ulcers and eye conditions that could ultimately lead to blindness. But they also have tremendous potential for use in regenerative medicine in diseases including:
- Muscular dystrophy
- Spinal cord injury
- Autism
- Parkinson’s disease
- Traumatic brain injury
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Getting Started is Simple
Sign up online or call (404) 998-5012 and we’ll send you a collection kit.
Take kit to hospital so your doctor or midwife can collect the cord blood and tissues.