The Alpha Advantage
Store with the best in cord blood banking

The Alpha Advantage
Store with the best in cord
blood banking

Superior Technology
We pride ourselves in using the latest, most advanced technologies to ensure the highest quality and recovery rates in the industry. From our NextGen collection system, to our 5-chamber storage bag, that ensures that your newborns stem cells can be used for up to 5 treatments, we lead the industry with the newest possibilities at an affordable price.
Unparalleled Quality
Our laboratory tests your newborn’s cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue prior to, and immediately after, processing. All tests are done in accordance with FDA, AABB, and AATB regulations. This is part of our continuous quality control protocols that help ensure every sample contains the most viable stem cells and is transplant ready.
In our state-of-the-art laboratories, the samples are protected with the highest quality care and monitored 24/7 with continuous temperature and environment checks.

Unparalleled Quality
Our laboratory tests your newborn’s cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue prior to, and immediately after, processing. All tests are done in accordance with FDA, AABB, and AATB regulations. This is part of our continuous quality control protocols that help ensure every sample contains the most viable stem cells and is transplant ready.
In our state-of-the-art laboratories, the samples are protected with the highest quality care and monitored 24/7 with continuous temperature and environment checks.
Personal Care
From the moment you first contact AlphaCord, you will be assigned a personal newborn stem cell educator. Your newborn stem cell educator is available to answer all your questions and ensure you understand every step of the process. They will go above and beyond to ensure every customer gets the AlphaCord Family experience.

Personal Care
From the moment you first contact AlphaCord, you will be assigned a personal newborn stem cell educator. Your newborn stem cell educator is available to answer all your questions and ensure you understand every step of the process. They will go above and beyond to ensure every customer gets the AlphaCord Family experience.
AlphaCord has successfully processed and stored stem cells for the past two decades for hundreds of thousands of families. Our long history of experience and proven track record deliver assurance in the quality and dependency of our services.

AlphaCord has successfully processed and stored stem cells for the past hundreds decades for hundreds of thousands of families. Our long history of experience and proven track record deliver assurance in the quality and dependency of our services.
Our Unrivaled Guarantee
No other company matches our commitment to quality. With almost two decades of continuous operation, we offer our AlphaCord families an added guarantee. If your cord blood stem cells stored with us are prepared for transplant and fail to engraft, we may provide up to $85,000 towards paying for another source of matching cells.
Licenses and Accreditations
With over 20 years of experience, AlphaCord’s partner state-of-the-art laboratory, CryoPoint, is AABB accredited, HIPAA Compliant and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This ensures that our laboratory adheres to the industry’s most stringent standards and protocols for processing and banking cord blood and tissue stem cells.

Are You Convinced Yet?
For nearly two decades, AlphaCord has worked with hundreds of thousands of families to preserve their newborn’s valuable stem cells. You only have one chance to save your baby’s cord blood, cord tissue, and placenta tissue. Join the family. Learn why every day, more expecting parents choose AlphaCord.

Are You Convinced Yet?
For nearly two decades, AlphaCord has worked with hundreds of thousands of families to preserve their newborn’s valuablestem cells. You only have one chance to save your baby’s cord blood, cord tissue, and placenta tissue. All the Alphamoms are doing it. Join the family. Learn why every day, more expecting parents choose AlphaCord.