What is Cord Tissue?
Your baby’s umbilical cord contains valuable stem cells that are different from those found in the cord blood. Cord tissue refers to the tissue inside the umbilical cord. Wharton’s Jelly, is a substance found within the umbilical cord and is an abundant source of valuable stem cells.

The Value of Cord Tissue
Clinical trials have shown cord tissue to be more useful than cord blood in certain therapies. These include treatments for spinal cord injuries, cartilage repair, autoimmune disease, liver disease, orthopedic indications and neurological conditions.
The Potential
These cord tissue stem cells are called mesenchymal stem cells or MSC’s. Mesenchymal stem cells have the potential to evolve into many types of cells, including organ, muscle, skin, bone, cartilage, and fat cells.

The Potential
These cord tissue stem cells are called mesenchymal stem cells or MSC’s. Mesenchymal stem cells have the potential to evolve into many types of cells, including organ, muscle, skin, bone, cartilage, and fat cells.
Rapidly Advancing Science
The study of Mesenchymal stem cells falls under the category of regenerative medicine, as these cord tissue stem cells assist the body in repairing itself. Science is advancing rapidly: the future possibilities and treatments have unlimited potential.
Ready To Store?
For nearly two decades, AlphaCord has worked with hundreds of thousands of families to preserve their newborn’s valuable stem cells through cord blood and tissue banking. You only have one chance to save your baby’s cord blood, cord tissue, and placenta tissue. Join the family. More expecting parents choose AlphaCord everyday.

Preserve today to ensure a safer tomorrow
You only get one chance to preserve your newborn’s stem cells and give your family access to the most innovative and cutting-edge science. Protect your family’s future by preserving today. All the AlphaMoms are doing it. Join the family. Learn why every day, more expecting parents choose AlphaCord.