- Take a birthing class and hospital tour.
- Prepare for your baby shower – make a gift registry.
- Settle on a baby name.
- Baby-proof your house.
- Finishing touches on the nursery – if it’s not done already, now is the time to let go of any extra projects you dreamed of and just tidy things up.
- Wash your newborns new clothes, so they are ready to wear.
- Complete your shopping list: - Nursing bras - Car seat - Stroller - Baby carriers - All baby feeding supplies - Diaper supplies - Baby bath tub - Baby monitor
- Make arrangements with your employer for maternity leave (if applicable).
- Make arrangements for your older children while you are at the hospital (if applicable).
- Start making meals to store in your freezer – especially any time-consuming healthy favorites.
- Write & finish your Birth Plan: If you need tips on writing a birth plan, check out this blog post to help.
- Pack your Hospital Bag – don’t forget your AlphaCord cord blood & cord tissue collection kit.
- Select a pediatrician for your newborn.
- Install your infant car seat – they can be tricky to install correctly for first-timers, so don’t wait till you are at the hospital and your newborn is waiting for their first car ride home.
- Select a birth announcement and prepare addresses. Once baby comes, all you have to do is drop the photo in.
- Review signs of labor.
- Get plenty of rest & enjoy some quiet time with your partner and loved ones.