How Much Does It Cost To Save Cord Blood With a Private Bank?

How Much Does It Cost To Save Cord Blood With a Private Bank? - AlphaCord

Cord blood banking is a relatively new form of modern science, but it has grown in popularity over the last decade or so because of its potential to revolutionize medical treatment for future use. But, what is it? How much does it cost? And is it worth it? These are all questions that most parents find themselves asking when it comes to deciding whether or not to store their baby’s cord blood. If you are an expectant parent and want to know more about the process and the prices of storing cord blood, then you have come to the right place. Today, we will break down the costs associated with private cord blood storage and what that price includes.

The Value of Cord Blood

Before we get into the costs of private cord blood banks, let’s take a minute to discuss what cord blood is and why it is so valuable in the first place. Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells that remain in the umbilical cord and placenta after a mother gives birth. In the past, it was standard practice for doctors to simply dispose of both the placenta and umbilical cord, but as we continue to learn more about stem cells and their benefits, it’s becoming increasingly popular to either save or donate your baby’s cord blood for future use. So why is cord blood rich in stem cells? During labor, the body naturally boosts the immune system of the mother and baby via the maternal-fetal transfer of cells—the same cells responsible for the development of your baby’s organs, tissue, and immune system. This is why cord blood is collected immediately after birth and is then either stored in a private bank or donated. Choosing to preserve the cord blood is a way to store your baby's cord blood for potential future use such as; treatment for cancer, diabetes, or immune disorders. It can also be used to match against another cord blood unit in order to help treat family members who are sick and are a match. There are a lot of differences between preserving cord blood and donating it but one of the key differences comes down to cost and access. So how much does it cost to save cord blood with a private bank? We will go over numbers and what's included in the next section.

Cord Blood Banking Costs

So now let’s go over what exactly you are paying for when you decide to use a private cord bank. To start, you should understand that most private cord blood banks have storage plans that you pay either monthly or upfront (for a 20 year storage plan). The cost will vary depending on the plan that you choose and whether you pay monthly, yearly, or up front. Keep in mind that prices will also vary based on what types of stem cells you are wanting to preserve. For example, there are valuable stem cells in the cord blood, cord tissue and placenta. You also have the option to save all three. At AlphaCord Newborn Stem Cell Bank, you can choose to store your newborn stem cells for an annual fee with our “Annual Plan” or make a one-time payment for 20 years storage with our “20 years Prepaid Plan”. So if you want to have a full breakdown of various costs, visit our pricing page, but here is a breakdown of the costs associated with our annual plans: Cord Blood Only Contains hematopoietic stem cells with 80+ uses in transplant medicine today, including treating cancer and blood disorders 12 months payment plan $65/mo. Annual Storage | $150/year 47% Savings | Discount applied automatically Cord Blood & Cord Tissue Contains mesenchymal, epithelial and endothelial stem cells, with additional treatment possibilities in regenerative medicine 12 months payment plan $82/mo. Annual Storage | $250/year 69% Savings | Discount applied automatically Cord Blood, Cord Tissue & Placenta 12 months payment plan $99/mo. Annual Storage | $350/year 76% Savings | Discount applied automatically

Conclusion: Is It Worth It?

So, now that you know how much it is to save cord blood in a private bank, your next question might be, is it worth it? While it depends on a number of factors, including your family’s current situation, it can be extremely beneficial. Here are some of the reasons you should consider cord blood banking:

  • Cord blood banking has the life-saving potential for not only your child but other family members as well.
  • The collection process is easy and safe
  • Private cord blood banking can help if you or a family member have an existing disease that's treated using stem cells
  • It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve your newborn's valuable stem cells
  • Cord blood banking prices are more affordable than ever before

For nearly 20 years, AlphaCord has helped tens of thousands of families to preserve their newborn’s valuable stem cells through cord blood and tissue banking. Contact us today if you would like more information about cord blood costs and pricing plans.