Choosing Between Banking Your Baby’s Cord Blood or Delayed Cord Clamping

Choosing Between Banking Your Baby’s Cord Blood or Delayed Cord Clamping.
For many parents, preparing for a new addition to the family not only requires a lot of preparation, but can also be a time of information overload. With the topic of delayed cord clamping, parents can be overwhelmed with conflicting information. Some healthcare professionals have presented parents with only the “either/or” scenario. But what if it’s possible to do both?

Benefits of delayed cord clamping.
Why should parents consider a delay in clamping the umbilical cord? According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the benefits of delayed clamping may include (1):

  • Improved iron stores in the newborn if maternal stores are low.
  • A decrease in pre-term complications, such as fewer blood transfusions.
  • Small boost in neurodevelopment for boys.

Benefits of banking cord blood and tissue. Why should parents consider banking their baby’s cord blood and tissue? The upcoming birth of your child presents you with a once in a lifetime opportunity of preserving your baby’s cord blood and tissue stem cells. The benefits include:

  • Cord blood stem cells (Hematopoietic Stem Cells) have been approved by the FDA to treat more than 80 different diseases. You can learn more about the current diseases treat by cord blood stem cells here:
  • Tissue stem cells (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) currently are being researched twice as frequently compared to cord blood stem cells (HSCs). These stem cells are linked to clinical studies treating Alzheimer’s, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, and organ regeneration. You can learn more about the emerging research of regenerative medicine here:

Currently studies show that it is indeed possible to delay cord clamping AND bank your baby’s cord blood stem cells. By working with a knowledgeable healthcare provider, you can provide your baby with the maximum benefits of delayed clamping as well as collecting a viable stem cell sample.

It’s all about timing.
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends a delay in umbilical cord clamping in vigorous term and preterm infants for 30–60 seconds after birth. Many studies show that the benefits to your baby greatly diminish after 60 seconds (1). With that in mind, the ideal time to clamp the cord occurs after the first minute of birth, which will still allow your healthcare professional to collect a viable sample.

What you should do? If you’re considering delayed cord clamping and storing your baby’s cord blood, have an early conversation with you OB/GYN or midwife. By discussing your desire to do both in advance, you are ensuring that your healthcare professional can collect the optimal volume of cord blood after delaying the clamping of the cord.

Risk Free.
Most cord blood banks charge a $150 non-refundable enrollment fee when signing up. For parents who are choosing to delay clamping the cord, this may present a real financial dilemma. AlphaCord provides our clients with peace of mind knowing that we do not charge an enrollment fee. Should your healthcare provider be unable to collect cord blood or if the cord blood unit produces a low volume of stem cells, you can request a refund. A low volume sample is defined by a total nucleated cell count below 100 million. In such a case, we will notify you and let you determine if you choose to continue storage of your baby’s cord blood.

Yes, it is possible to delay the clamping of the umbilical cord and preserve cord blood and tissue. AlphaCord successfully works with many healthcare professionals and clients who choose to do both. What better care from a new parent than providing your baby with the benefits of delayed cord clamping, as well as providing brighter futures by preserving your newborn baby’s stem cells.

Feel free to contact one of our Client Services Specialists should you have any questions about delayed cord clamping and the ability to bank your baby’s cord blood. 866-396-7283

1. ACOG Committee Opinion. Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping After Birth. Number 684, January 2017

THE CONTENT OF THIS ARTICLE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. If you have a medical emergency or question, immediately call your doctor or dial 911 for assistance.




