Can Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Stem Cells Be Used Later in Life?

Can Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Stem Cells Be Used Later in Life? - AlphaCord
So, you’ve stored your baby’s cord blood and tissue with AlphaCord. A few years go by, then a few more, and you may begin to wonder— why am I still storing these stem cells? Will they still help my family years and years from now? The answer?


Right now, research shows that you can literally save your baby’s cord blood and tissue forever. Once the sample has been processed and placed inside one of our cryogenic tanks, it’s good to go whenever you need it. But why and how would you be able to benefit from these cells later in life? When your child enters adulthood and beyond, how can he or she potentially use these precious cells you saved way back when? We thought you’d never ask.

Alzheimer’s Disease / Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease, the most common form of Dementia, affects millions of people around the world. With numbers rising, doctors are conducting studies on how the use of human umbilical cord blood stem cells can benefit those suffering from Alzheimer’s. Cord blood infusions have shown improvements in behavioral and physical impairments. Studies currently show that through the use of cord blood transfusions, patients with Alzheimer’s show improved motor skills, speech, and brain function compared to those without. But, how? Cord blood stem cells, called Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs), are multipotent, meaning they can turn into a variety of different blood cells. Alzheimer’s affects many different parts of the body, leading to minimized function at times. HSCs are able to transform into neural cells (brain), cardiac muscle (heart), and blood cells (bone marrow). When you transfuse cord blood stem cells into a person with Alzheimer’s, these cells are able to help rebuild the areas affected by the disease, and help improve function. It’s pretty awesome.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is a disorder of the nervous system, and has a major effect on how the nervous system functions. Cord tissue stem cells, called Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), have shown the ability to evolve into a variety of tissue cells. We’re talking various forms of muscle, cartilage, nerves, and tendons. When cord tissue is used to treat Parkinson’s Disease, the MSCs show the ability to repair the nervous system and reduce some of the effects from the disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disorder of the joints, where the joint lining is inflamed. Referring back to MSCs (found in cord tissue), clinical trials have shown these stem cells have the ability to transform into cartilage, muscle, and tendons— all pretty important when we’re talking about arthritis. The use of cord tissue can repair the cartilage and tendons pertaining to the joint and inflamed lining, to provide a relief of pain and, at times, limited mobility.

Heart Attack / Stroke

While it is possible for a person of any age to suffer a heart attack or stroke, the likeliness of its presence is heightened in older individuals. Cord tissue has shown in clinical trials the ability to repair muscles found in the heart, and provide therapy for stroke victims and the nerve damage endured from stoke. 

Have Questions? AlphaCord Can Answer Them.

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