Benefits of Storing Your Baby’s Cord Blood

Pregnant woman speaking with ob/gyn about cord blood banking

In the whirlwind of preparing for a new arrival, parents-to-be often overlook a small yet powerful resource that could potentially safeguard their child’s future health: cord blood.

Here’s the scoop on why banking your baby’s cord blood is a decision worth celebrating.

Future Health Insurance

Think of cord blood as a biological insurance policy for your baby and your family. It’s rich in hematopoietic stem cells—versatile cells that can transform into various types of blood cells. These cells are the superheroes of the medical world, capable of treating over 80 serious diseases and disorders, from leukemia to sickle cell anemia. By storing your baby’s cord blood, you’re essentially stashing away a potent weapon against future health uncertainties.

A Perfect Genetic Match

One of the key advantages of storing your baby’s cord blood is that it’s a perfect genetic match for them. Unlike bone marrow transplants, which may require finding a compatible donor, cord blood stem cells are less likely to be rejected by the recipient’s immune system. This means quicker treatment initiation and potentially higher success rates in combating diseases.

Advances in Medical Science

Medical research is a dynamic field, constantly pushing boundaries and discovering new therapies. Cord blood stem cells have already proven their efficacy in treating a range of conditions, and ongoing research is uncovering even more potential applications. By banking your baby’s cord blood, you’re investing in the future of medical science and ensuring access to cutting-edge treatments that may not be available today. There has been promising research using cord blood stem cells to help treat autism  and cardiac arrest.

Family Health Security

Cord blood banking isn’t just about the baby—it can benefit the entire family. Siblings, parents and possibly grandparents may also benefit from the stored cord blood if they have a compatible match. This safety net adds another layer of reassurance, knowing that your family members have access to potentially life-saving treatments if needed.

Peace of Mind

Amidst the whirlwind of welcoming a new life, cord blood banking offers peace of mind. It’s a proactive step you can take to safeguard your child’s health, providing a sense of security and preparedness for whatever the future may hold. You can only preserve your baby's newborn stem cells at the time of their birth so you'll feel better knowing they are safely cryopreserved in the case that your family may need them.

Simple and Painless Process

Collecting cord blood is a simple and painless procedure, posing no risk to the mother or the baby. It occurs immediately after birth, during the umbilical cord cutting process. The collected blood is then processed and cryogenically preserved, ready to be accessed if and when needed.

In essence, storing your baby’s cord blood is like stashing away a biological treasure trove—a versatile resource that holds immense potential for the health and well-being of your family. It’s a decision rooted in foresight and love, offering tangible benefits today and promising hope for tomorrow’s medical advancements. So, consider this: while you prepare the nursery and stock up on diapers, why not also secure a safeguard for your child’s health? It’s a choice that speaks volumes about your commitment to their future.